Explore our services

Complete ICT Solution
INFRATECH team can expect to work in positions where the focus of their job includes improving digital literacy, data literacy and using emerging technologies to optimize legacy communication channels.
Modern Security & AV Solution
INFRATECH team designing and modeling an Entire Security solution system’s architectural layout, IT resources, and complete infrastructure. It enables the logical conception of the data center before the development or deployment in the organization’s IT environment
Large Scale Structured Cabling
INFRATECH provides a complete system of cabling and associated hardware, which provides a comprehensive telecommunications infrastructure.
InfraTech IT Network Services LLC
INFRATECH FOR IT NETWORK SERVICES LLC have an innovative vision in technology. The company established in the Middle East region to provide high-quality technical services for business units and stakeholders in technical and operational components—including hardware, software, policies, processes, data, facilities and equipment—for business effectiveness. INFRATECH HQ located in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates and it's serving services across the Middle East Region. The service categories divided into systems management, network management and storage management. All Enterprises use IT infrastructure management to reduce duplication of effort, ensure compliance with IT standards and regulations, improve information flow, support flexibility in changing business markets, promote IT interoperability, maintain effective change management and reduce overall IT costs.
Confidently we support to drive your requirements forward, adapt to disruptions, and embrace change knowing that your technology partner is committed to empowering every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. INFRATECH team will help you to achieve your technical needs as per your expectations within the agreed time frame.
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Head Office Address:
Infratech IT Network Services LLC
Mazyad Mall Tower 1
4th Floor, Office No: 445
PB Number: 144930
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Contact: +971 2 621 5580, +971 52 129 5694
Email: info@infratechme.com
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